What´s new with us? We spent this Sunday at our grandma´s celebrating her birthday. We can´t stop admiring how active and spirited she is. In her eighty-two years she takes care of an appartement and cottage, she drives, does many trips and doesn´t stop being chic. Without heels for instance she doesn´t leave home (do you know who we take after in this?). She always says: I know people don´t get it and everyone tells me to wear only comfortable shoes, now. But till I am able to walk, girls, I will rock my heels!" She has been making us laugh with her jokes and crazy spontaneous ideas since we were little and we are grateful to her for that very much.
Audrey and Pearl
Rády bychom vám také ukázaly tuhle novou kosmetickou taštičku Sewlomax z TIFF. Má podle nás ideální velikost, roztomilý design s motivem rudých rtěnek a příjemný materiál. Vybraly jsme si jí, protože milujeme koncept etických módních značek. Sama designérka Sewlomax říká: "(..)Rozhodla jsem se zkombinovat vášeň, zkušenost a dovednost, abych vytvořila atraktivní a vtipnými motivy vyšité etické tašky. Ty vyrábím ve Spojeném království." Pro další produkty a značky, které ctí zásady "organický, veganský, etický, fair trade, recyklovaný, ekologický, přírodní a vyráběný přímo v místě zdroje produktu" klikněte zde: http://tiff.uk.com/ .
We would like to also show you this new make-up bag by Sewlomax from TIFF. It has ideal size, cute design with red lipsticks motive and nice material. We chose it because we love the concept of ethical fashion. The creator says: "(...) I decided to mix my passion, experience and skill to create attractive and wittily stitched ethical bags which have been created by me in the UK." If you are looking for brands and products following the principles of "organic, vegan, ethical, fair trade, recycled, eco, natural and manufactured locally to where the product is sourced" click here: http://tiff.uk.com/ .
Tady zkouší Audrey skákat v lodičkách :D. Audrey is trying to jump in heels here :D.