V roce 2013...
In the year 2013...
...Audrey propadla vintage stylu více než v jiných letech (je-li to možné):
...Audrey was head over heels in love with vintage style more than before (if it´s even possible):
...Pearl celebrated her 18th birthday and she was touched by the secretly prepared party and your amazing wishes:
...we went through Rome, London and Vienna together:
...Z Pearl se stala ještě větší romantička , snílek a hippie:
...Pearl became even bigger romantic, dreamer and hippie:
...we were going to concerts of our favourite artists (Jessie Ware, Charlie Straight, Justin Bieber and others):
...si Audrey hrála na kapitánku:
...Audrey played a captain:
....se objevilo nemálo střeštěných momentů (takže ve vztahu k předešlým létům nic nového):
...we experienced many crazy moments (so nothing has changed):
...we were not losing our ideals:
...jsme vám občas daly ochutnávku street style:
...we gave you time to time a bit of street style:
...jsme vám přinášely novinky z fashion akcí:
...we brought you news from fashion shows:
... jsme vám dělaly chutě:
...we made your mouths water:
Těšíme se spolu s vámi na rok 2014!
We are looking forward to the year 2014 with you!